Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Purpose of Man! Part 2

I ended part 1 of “The Purpose of Man,” by saying, “God gave man dominion over the earth.” This is a hard statement to swallow because man doesn’t see himself as having such power. Of course, the power man have over the earth comes from God; He lives through all that except Him as Lord or Owner over their lives. So, let’s take a closer look at how God created man.

Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” When God made this statement, man was created. Man was not created when God formed his body from the dust in Genesis 2:7. You may have never heard it taught like this before but continue to read, you’ll soon understand. God took the man He created in Genesis 1:26 and blew him into the body He formed in Genesis 2:7; then man became a living soul. Man is a spirit, he possesses a soul, and he lives in a body. Until man understands this, he will continue to live a life of defeat. You have dominion over the earth.

Jesus is the prime example of man having dominion over the earth. Notice, the bible calls Jesus the last man Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:45 which means before Adam and Eve fell to the temptation of Satan they operated just like Jesus, the last man Adam. No, the first man Adam didn’t have the power to redeem man. Only Jesus had that right. But he did walk in complete authority over the earth.

Why was Satan so bent on Adam and Eve disobeying God? He knew if he could get them to eat from the tree God commanded them not to eat from, he would cause them to lose the image of God. As long as they had God’s image Satan had no place to operate.

They same is true for you and I. He wants us to disobey God. Disobedience to God’s Holy Word brings condemnation. The spirit of condemnation causes man to live in doubt, fear and unbelief. And the devil knows that this person can receive nothing from God. Get the image of God back in you! Think Big, Talk Big, Live Big and transform your life!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Purpose of Man!

The Purpose of Man
What is the purpose of man? Why did the Sovereign God, the Creator of the universe create man? What was His purpose? Have questions like these ever loomed in your mind? Why would He take out the time to do such a thing? Some would say for His Glory, for man to praise Him, or just simply I don’t know. The answer to all three of the questions above is in the bible. Most miss the answer for one, it’s in the Old Testament and two people don’t view themselves in such a way because mans sin nature.

I’ve never been to a seminary school, but in theology there’s a teaching called, “The Law of First Mentioned.” This means, whatever God mentions first is established throughout eternity, it never changes. Genesis is the first book of the bible and to me, the most important book in the bible. Some would argue this point by saying, “Exodus is because it has the Ten Commandments and we’re supposed to live according those commandments.” Some would say, “The four Gospels are because of the ministry of Jesus.” Some would say, “The Epistles of Paul are because he was the greatest Apostle.” The Ten Commandments were not writing for man to live by, God gave them so man could clearly see their sinfulness. Notices, the Ten Commands brought condemnation not redemption. Jesus is the only person who walked on the earth and has never committed a sin. But even Jesus refers to Book of Genesis throughout the four gospels. Yes, Paul was the greatest Apostle ever lived, but if you study his teachings you’ll see he also refers back to the Book of Genesis. Please don’t miss understand me. I’m not saying the other sixty five books of the bible are not essential because they are. What I’m saying is the other sixty five books of the bible are predicated on the Book of Genesis. You must understand the origin of a thing to understand the purpose of the thing. When the origin is misunderstood, then the purpose is misunderstood. When the purpose is misunderstood then abuse comes into play. The word abuse is a derivative of two words, ABNORMAL; USE. The spirit, soul and body have been abnormally used for thousands of centuries due to man not understanding their origin, or their original purpose.

The first declaration God makes over man is found in Genesis 1:26 which states, “Let us make man in our image (To think like us; Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and after our likeness (So they can be, live and act like Us). And let them (man, woman) have dominion (rule, ownership, authority) over the fish of the sea; fowl of the air and over all the earth. This is a powerful declaration, and for some it’s hard to believe but this truly is your position in the earth.

God’s origin purpose for you was and is to have dominion over the earth. Man was created to keep the devil under subjection. Man fell to the temptation of Satan and lost his dominion. But Jesus redeemed man which means, He restored man to his rightful place, the place of dominion. In my next blog, I will completed “The purpose of Man” and also discuss Adam and Eve’s temptation and Satan’s purpose for the temptation. THINK BIG, TALK BIG, LIVE BIG AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Power Within!

Nothing is permanent! All things on the earth are susceptible to change, even you. The only thing that’s final in life is death. If you’re not dead, the opportunity to change awaits you.

Every person on this planet has been empowered with a God given gift. Some have been given the gift to help others. Some have been given the gift to inspire. Others have been given the gift to teach, cook, the gift of entrepreneurship, inventing, writing, communication skills and singing. When you find what your gift is, you then become a unique person. No matter how many people may have the same gift as you, no one can do it like you. We all think, hear and see things different. You have the ability to be creative. For instance, if you give a toddler a blanket he or she sees more then an item to keep them warm. They’ll drape the blanket over chairs, making themselves a house or a teepee to play in. They would also use that same blanket as a superman cape. This is the creative mind of a child. This is the same creative mind you were born with but as you grew into adulthood you were taught to be conformed to the things around you. The creative mind that was in you as a child is yet in you. Signs of this creative ability are the ideas and concepts you imagine. Conformity to the world has caused your creative ideas and concepts to lay dormant.

The bible say, “Be not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Isn’t it amazing the bible doesn’t tell you to get a new outfit, or a different hair style, a new car or a house? But it does say, “You can be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Cigarettes can be overcome with a renewed mind. Alcohol or liquor can be defeated with a renewed mind. Perversions and lusts can be slain with a renewed mind. Hypocrisy can brought under subjection with a renewed mind. Finances can be increased with a renewed mind. Relationships can be changed for the better with a renewed mind. Any situation no matter how difficult it may seem, can be changed when your mind is renewed in that area.

I’m not encouraging you just to be rich, live in a new or drive a new car. I’m encouraging you to be “free indeed!” The bible states, “He that the Son (Jesus Christ) sets free, is free indeed.” Jesus Christ sets men free in their spirit, soul and body. Total Life Freedom! I’m not encouraging you to join a religion; I’m sharing with you the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He (Jesus Christ) is the giver of new life. THINK BIG, TALK BIG, LIVE BIG AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Power of the Mind

The mind is the most powerful force given to man. The mind is able to perform what a person dare to believe. The bible says, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that a person can ask or think, according to the power that work in you!” We understand from this passage, unlimited power profusely protrudes from the people that have the courage to think big and talk big.

Thoughts derive from how a person sees a thing and how they see themselves. How you perceive something or yourself is how you gather concepts and ideas. These concepts and ideas maneuvered your life to where it is at this very moment. Success does not have respect of people but it is a respecter of a God given principle. Those who master this principle achieve success at the highest level.

What is a principle? A principle is a law by which things are attained or lost. In other words, a principle can systematically work for you or against you. For instances, the law of gravity has no respect of person. If you rightfully use the law of gravity it works for you, if you misuse it, it works against. The misuse of this law can be deadly. The same is true with the law of the mind. The mind will only think thoughts of victory or thoughts of defeat, success or failure, courage or fear, sufficiency or lack, opportunity or recession, healed or sick. The mind is the faculty by which you will succeed or fail. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

Now the mind work according to two laws; the law of life (success) or the law of death (failure). The two laws do not work simultaneously; you’ll either live according to one or the other. My purpose for this blog is to help you discover the true potential God has deposited within you.

Every person on earth has an unlimited amount of power within them. The bible states, “All things are possible to them that believe.” Notice, this passage puts no limitations on any person. It simply states, all things are possible; but notice, all things are only possible to those who believe. What you believe form images in your mind. Your belief system was developed by your past experiences. Experiences such as: how you were raised, and the people you associate with. So then, belief systems are formed by what you hear and see. If you have a desire for change to take place in your life, you must on purpose change your atmosphere. Faith comes by hearing. What you hear eventually become what you can see or imagine. What you imagine become the words you speak. The words you speak become the life you live. The lives you live become reality. THINK BIG, TALK BIG, LIVE BIG AND TRANSFORM YOU LIFE! To be continued…………………………………….

Friday, September 4, 2009

Transformation: The Keys to Successful Living!

What is my purpose? Why am I here? Where am I going? Why was I born? Why are some people rich and some poor? Why is it difficult for me to find success? Why can’t I remain persistent? Why do I keep failing in life? Why did I make so many bad choices? The list of why’s go on and on.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Most likely you have. Every person on earth has asked this question at least one time in their life. If you could answer the “why,” it would be much easier to accomplish goals and to obtain the things you desire. This is where the struggle begins, “In the Mind!” If you paid close attention to your mindset, you will soon find out everything you’ve ever accomplished or failed started with a thought. Before you get out of bed, you first think about it. Before you shower, the thought, “I need to take a shower,” crosses your mind. Prior to going grocery shopping you think about it. Before eating, the thought of hunger comes to mind. These thoughts are common so, you really don’t pay them much attention. The thoughts that bombard the mind and leave indelible prints are, thoughts of money, security, happiness, successful relationships, and your children’s future, the welfare of the less fortunate, recession, and fear.

Fear perhaps, is the most deadly and dominating mindsets a person could have. Fear apprehends a person and strips them of their ability, causing them to be dormant. Dormancy is having the potential to succeed but is in an inactive state during which growth and development cease. You have the ability to be successful but how to move from being inactive to active is misunderstood.

The mind is the most powerful force given to man. The ability to tap into this powerful force will determine your outcome. The mind is like the sail on a sail boat. The sail is not the power, the wind is the power. Without the wind, the boat doesn’t move. Neither will it move without the sail. The sail boat needs both the sail and the wind to generate the power that causes the boat to move. When the sail catches the wind the boat moves. Then and only then can the boat be maneuver in any direction by stirring the sail left or right.

The mind in a sense is the same way. The Almighty God created people in His image (mind) and in His likeness (to act like Him). You have a mind so you can imagine things or form images. Whatever image you form in your mind is what’s manifested in your actions. The mind form ideas and concepts. Just as wind is power to the sail to move the sail boat, so are ideas and concepts to the mind which moves you to be active or inactive depending on the idea. When you understand this, you’ll guard your mind from ideas that hinder your success. Everyone has the ability to obtain success, but only few bask in its ambience.

Now each person must determine what success is to them. Success to one person may not be success to another. You must determine in your own mind what success is to you. For one success may mean to be a good parent. To another, achieve financial wealth. For someone else it may mean to land that corporate job or become a politician. This is something you must settle in your mind before moving forward. If this is not settled, you will always find yourself at the starting gate trying to figure what to do in order to be successful.

What do you want out of life? How do you want your future to be? What type of relationship do you desire to have with your spouse? Where is your ideal vacation spot? What business do you want to start? In what neighborhood do you want to live? What car do you want to own? Do you desire to help the less fortunate? What is your dream? Think about it. Write it on paper. Hang it on your wall. Talk about it to friends. Don’t limit your thinking. Allow yourself to think at the highest level God created you to think. The bible states, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that you can ask or think according to the power that works in you.” THINK BIG, TALK BIG, LIVE BIG, AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! To be continued………………………………………….