Friday, September 4, 2009

Transformation: The Keys to Successful Living!

What is my purpose? Why am I here? Where am I going? Why was I born? Why are some people rich and some poor? Why is it difficult for me to find success? Why can’t I remain persistent? Why do I keep failing in life? Why did I make so many bad choices? The list of why’s go on and on.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Most likely you have. Every person on earth has asked this question at least one time in their life. If you could answer the “why,” it would be much easier to accomplish goals and to obtain the things you desire. This is where the struggle begins, “In the Mind!” If you paid close attention to your mindset, you will soon find out everything you’ve ever accomplished or failed started with a thought. Before you get out of bed, you first think about it. Before you shower, the thought, “I need to take a shower,” crosses your mind. Prior to going grocery shopping you think about it. Before eating, the thought of hunger comes to mind. These thoughts are common so, you really don’t pay them much attention. The thoughts that bombard the mind and leave indelible prints are, thoughts of money, security, happiness, successful relationships, and your children’s future, the welfare of the less fortunate, recession, and fear.

Fear perhaps, is the most deadly and dominating mindsets a person could have. Fear apprehends a person and strips them of their ability, causing them to be dormant. Dormancy is having the potential to succeed but is in an inactive state during which growth and development cease. You have the ability to be successful but how to move from being inactive to active is misunderstood.

The mind is the most powerful force given to man. The ability to tap into this powerful force will determine your outcome. The mind is like the sail on a sail boat. The sail is not the power, the wind is the power. Without the wind, the boat doesn’t move. Neither will it move without the sail. The sail boat needs both the sail and the wind to generate the power that causes the boat to move. When the sail catches the wind the boat moves. Then and only then can the boat be maneuver in any direction by stirring the sail left or right.

The mind in a sense is the same way. The Almighty God created people in His image (mind) and in His likeness (to act like Him). You have a mind so you can imagine things or form images. Whatever image you form in your mind is what’s manifested in your actions. The mind form ideas and concepts. Just as wind is power to the sail to move the sail boat, so are ideas and concepts to the mind which moves you to be active or inactive depending on the idea. When you understand this, you’ll guard your mind from ideas that hinder your success. Everyone has the ability to obtain success, but only few bask in its ambience.

Now each person must determine what success is to them. Success to one person may not be success to another. You must determine in your own mind what success is to you. For one success may mean to be a good parent. To another, achieve financial wealth. For someone else it may mean to land that corporate job or become a politician. This is something you must settle in your mind before moving forward. If this is not settled, you will always find yourself at the starting gate trying to figure what to do in order to be successful.

What do you want out of life? How do you want your future to be? What type of relationship do you desire to have with your spouse? Where is your ideal vacation spot? What business do you want to start? In what neighborhood do you want to live? What car do you want to own? Do you desire to help the less fortunate? What is your dream? Think about it. Write it on paper. Hang it on your wall. Talk about it to friends. Don’t limit your thinking. Allow yourself to think at the highest level God created you to think. The bible states, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that you can ask or think according to the power that works in you.” THINK BIG, TALK BIG, LIVE BIG, AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! To be continued………………………………………….


  1. This is very encouraging. Thank you for posting.

  2. Karl you are so right on!I have lived in fear and guilt for much of my evers!I am more than impressed with your words and your understanding. I need your next exerpt to inspire my steps to move and shake.Dormant is such a sickness and so hard because it falls hand in hand w/ depression.I really understand conditioning.The problem is how to get out of the rut i love you nd your whole family.

  3. Awesome, it is so important to understand the power of our words and thoughts,keep writing, love ya
