The Purpose of Man
What is the purpose of man? Why did the Sovereign God, the Creator of the universe create man? What was His purpose? Have questions like these ever loomed in your mind? Why would He take out the time to do such a thing? Some would say for His Glory, for man to praise Him, or just simply I don’t know. The answer to all three of the questions above is in the bible. Most miss the answer for one, it’s in the Old Testament and two people don’t view themselves in such a way because mans sin nature.
I’ve never been to a seminary school, but in theology there’s a teaching called, “The Law of First Mentioned.” This means, whatever God mentions first is established throughout eternity, it never changes. Genesis is the first book of the bible and to me, the most important book in the bible. Some would argue this point by saying, “Exodus is because it has the Ten Commandments and we’re supposed to live according those commandments.” Some would say, “The four Gospels are because of the ministry of Jesus.” Some would say, “The Epistles of Paul are because he was the greatest Apostle.” The Ten Commandments were not writing for man to live by, God gave them so man could clearly see their sinfulness. Notices, the Ten Commands brought condemnation not redemption. Jesus is the only person who walked on the earth and has never committed a sin. But even Jesus refers to Book of Genesis throughout the four gospels. Yes, Paul was the greatest Apostle ever lived, but if you study his teachings you’ll see he also refers back to the Book of Genesis. Please don’t miss understand me. I’m not saying the other sixty five books of the bible are not essential because they are. What I’m saying is the other sixty five books of the bible are predicated on the Book of Genesis. You must understand the origin of a thing to understand the purpose of the thing. When the origin is misunderstood, then the purpose is misunderstood. When the purpose is misunderstood then abuse comes into play. The word abuse is a derivative of two words, ABNORMAL; USE. The spirit, soul and body have been abnormally used for thousands of centuries due to man not understanding their origin, or their original purpose.
The first declaration God makes over man is found in Genesis 1:26 which states, “Let us make man in our image (To think like us; Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and after our likeness (So they can be, live and act like Us). And let them (man, woman) have dominion (rule, ownership, authority) over the fish of the sea; fowl of the air and over all the earth. This is a powerful declaration, and for some it’s hard to believe but this truly is your position in the earth.
God’s origin purpose for you was and is to have dominion over the earth. Man was created to keep the devil under subjection. Man fell to the temptation of Satan and lost his dominion. But Jesus redeemed man which means, He restored man to his rightful place, the place of dominion. In my next blog, I will completed “The purpose of Man” and also discuss Adam and Eve’s temptation and Satan’s purpose for the temptation. THINK BIG, TALK BIG, LIVE BIG AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!
Friday, September 11, 2009
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